
LeavingonaJetPlaneisasongwrittenandrecordedbyAmericansinger-songwriterJohnDenverin1966,originallyincludedonhisdebutdemorecording ...,WhenIwon'thavetoleavealone,AboutthetimesIwon'thavetosay:Kissmeandsmileforme.Tellmethatyou'llwaitforme,Holdmelikeyou'llneverlet ...,Allmybagsarepacked,I'mreadytogo,I'mstandinghereoutsideyourdoor,Ihatetowakeyouuptosaygood-bye.Butthedawnisbreaking, ...,2021年2月9日—...

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Leaving on a Jet Plane is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter John Denver in 1966, originally included on his debut demo recording ...

Leaving On A Jet Plane Lyrics John Denver ※ Mojim.com

When I won't have to leave alone, About the times I won't have to say: Kiss me and smile for me. Tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let ...

Leaving On A Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door, I hate to wake you up to say good-bye. But the dawn is breaking, ...


2021年2月9日 — 丹佛寫這首曲的時候,還只是CMT三重唱的成員,尚未開始自己單獨的演唱表演生涯。他於1969年為了新專輯Rhymes & Reasons 才第一次錄製《Leaving on a Jet ...

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Leaving On A Jet Plane-歌詞-Leaving on a jet plane John Denver 搭機離開約翰.丹佛為電影世界未日裡的配樂之一69年冠軍曲,傳遞即將搭機上戰場前.

Leaving, On A Jet Plane

Leaving, On A Jet Plane-Lyrics-All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door, I hate to wake you up to s.